8252 Study on the Space Workforce in Canada and Requirements for the Coming Decade

CSACanadian Space Agency

On behalf of the Canadian Space Agency, HAL is providing a conceptual model of supply and demand for the space workforce in Canada; quantifying the Canadian space sector’s demand for workers; identifying the current existing and potential new sources of workers; assessing the potential workforce gaps over the coming decade; and offering high-level suggestions as to how these gaps may be filled.

8225 GRDI-QIS Economic Impact Scoping Study

nrc-logoNational Research Council

The Genomics R&D Initiative (GRDI) Quarantine and Invasive Species (QIS) project supports coordinated interdepartmental projects for the protection of Canadian biodiversity and trade from the impacts of global change through the improved ability to monitor invasive alien and quarantine species.  HAL is working with the National Research Council to measure, in quantitative terms, the economic and market impacts, as well as the return on investment to taxpayers, generated by GRDI-QIS.

8215 Development of a Capability Database of Aerospace, Defence, and Security Companies

FedDevFedDev Ontario

HAL is developing a capability database of aerospace, defence, and security companies for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario).  It will include approximately 500 companies, covering the aircraft, land vehicle, marine, defence ICT, soldier system, and defence manufacturing subsectors and will indicate the specialized capabilities of each company using approximately 30 categories defined by FedDev Ontario.