In pursuing our interests, we have gained a broad understanding of all industry sectors, but with a particular emphasis in the space, geomatics, information and communications technology, and defence sectors.
HAL was responsible for the original socio-economic impact analysis of Canada’s participation in Space Station, prepared before the creation of the Canadian Space Agency. Since then, we have continued to work with the CSA on all aspects of space policy and the commercialization of space technology. In the course of that work, we have obtained a good understanding of the Canadian space industry. Many of our senior personnel have played a significant role in the creation and evolution of Canada’s current space program.
HAL has an in-depth knowledge of the providers and users of geomatics information in the private, public and academic sectors, both nationally and internationally. The HAL geomatics team has considerable experience in applying our economic analysis, strategic planning, and program evaluation experience to geomatics assignments, and it draws on our wide network of associates that bring specific technical expertise and geomatics industry experience to our projects. Team members have worked with Canadian companies in the sector and also have had direct involvement in developing Canadian government policy and actions related to the sector.
HAL was responsible for the original feasibility study that lead to the creation of CANARIE, Canada’s advanced Internet development organization, more than a decade ago. Since then, we have continued to be involved with all aspects of government policy related to the design, production, and use of information and communications technology in Canada. Our expertise is acknowledged by a number of provincial governments to whom we provide senior management training courses on information and information technology.
HAL has worked with the defence community on both economic and technical topics. Economic projects have considered the socio-economic impact of the defence industry in the Canadian economy, and the impact of trade policy on the Canadian defence industry. HAL possesses a wide range of expertise in computer simulation, statistical analysis and the evaluation of risk, and has worked with the Department of National Defence in support of their continuing development of analysis capabilities for the design, development, and analysis of defence system vulnerability.