8164 Community Employment Pilots

OntarioOntario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

On behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, HAL is undertaking a Community Employment Pilots project to determine the feasibility of using geo-spatial databases to map economic, cultural, social, health and other determinants of unemployment in four communities: Cornwall, Hamilton, Timmins and Toronto’s St. James Town. The pilot project will rely on a Community Advisory Team in each of the four pilot areas to assist in defining the type and scope of data sets that would shed light on the determinants of unemployment in each community or neighbourhood.

8138 Local Inputs into Ministry Employment and Training Service Planning and Funding Decisions

OntarioMinistry of Training, Colleges and Universities

HAL will provide advice to the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities (MTCU) on three aspects of Employment Ontario (EO) integration: what are the types of local inputs into government planning and management of employment and training services; what are the levels of local input; and who are the most effective bodies at providing the input?

7942 Evaluation of the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program

OntarioOntario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

HAL has been selected to evaluate the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP), an important component of Ontario’s apprenticeship and skilled trades system. The objective is to learn what is working, what needs adjusting, and what is not working in the program.